Full Akashic Record Reading (Soul History & Purpose Reading)
This full soul purpose reading includes:
(1) Your Energy Center of Training. When you incarnate, your soul chose one or two energy centers (i.e. Chakra) associated to a realm in the Universe. The energies from the realm are an important aspect that helps form your soul profile.
(2) Your Soul Group. Your soul may have chosen a star system in the Universe as the first place of incarnation. The soul origin has a significant effect in who you are and also dictates your life purpose as a soul.
(3) Your Archetypes. Archetypes are your characteristics and soul gifts that are not necessarily embodied by the Energy Center of Training or your Soul Group. After many incarnations, your soul may have formed those personalities that you share in your life.
(4) Your Soul Training Between Lifetimes. "Careers" you had in between your incarnations that have also affected your soul gifts.
(5) Your Primary Life Lesson + Three Secondary Life Lessons. Each soul chooses many life lesson themes before they reincarnate. These lessons are normally completed in 2-4 lifetimes. I will reveal your primary life lesson as well as three of the secondary life lessons your soul chose in this lifetime.
(6) Your Intuitive Gifts, if any. And your Godspark that is revealing, if any.
(7) Your Earthly Lifetimes. How many incarnations you have had, and any affinity with certain places or religions, if any. Any career or role that you often took on. Alternatively, any episodes that were revealed by Spirits during the reading.
***Required Information for the Reading***
Your DOB, Place of Birth (City and Country) and your full name at the time of birth. Such information will be used as a "password" to accsess your Records. Also a picture taken taken within the last two years will help me tune into your energy better.
Please allow up to 2 weeks for the delivery of your reading. The reading results will be provided in the PDF format. You can ask questions after you receive your report. There is no limitation to how many questions you can ask, but your questions must be relevant to the type of reading you ordered.
Your order can be canceled only if the reading was not initiated at the time of your cancelation request. Once any part of the reading is started, there is no cancelation. Also no refund can be made even if you are not happy with the result of the reading.